


Volkswagen Group makes solid start to fiscal year 2023 with strong increase in revenues

04.05.2023 14:20, Zprávy emitentů
Volkswagen Group makes solid start to fiscal year 2023 with strong increase in revenues and underlying operating profit

Volkswagen Group - posts robust H1 results

03.08.2022 16:30, Zprávy emitentů

Volkswagen shareholders formally approve actions of Board of Management

17.05.2022 15:46, Zprávy emitentů
Volkswagen shareholders formally approve actions of Board of Management and Supervisory Board and adopt resolution on dividend for 2021

Volkswagen Group achieves solid results in 2021

18.03.2022 14:53, Zprávy emitentů
Volkswagen Group achieves solid results in 2021 and drives forward its transformation to NEW AUTO

Volkswagen Group’s Q3 result down year-on-year due to semiconductor bottlenecks

29.10.2021 16:10, Zprávy emitentů
Volkswagen Group’s Q3 result down year-on-year due to semiconductor bottlenecks – profitability target for 2021 confirmed